Sam’s Scores: Playstation
4) – Playstick for the Playstation
Although you may guess otherwise, I’m not a joystick fan by any means. I do however like to own odd controllers for various video game systems. Apart from the huge Advantage style joystick and the Steel Battalion layout, I had never seen a joystick for the Playstation, but here it is! This was sitting on a Goodwill shelf right next to another score I’ll be posting about another time.
3) – Interact’s Barracuda
This is yet another strange controller, but not entirely the strangest of all my controllers. This thing has switches and buttons all over the place, in an oddly comfortable layout. This thing jumped out at me from a wall of controllers, so I had to have it.
2) – Sony PSOne controllers
I bought both of these at different times, but they’re the same thing so I figured I would cover them together. Obviously one is in better shape, which cost slightly more than the other one. They’re both fully functional and since I own a PSOne, I figured I would need the controllers to go along with it. The one missing the analog grip has become my favorite PS controller, for some reason I think the missing grip has a better feel to it.
1) – Sony PSOne
Although I already own a PSOne, it doesn’t work. Being me, I decided to keep my eyes open and if I found another one cheap enough, I would buy it too. The price tag says $9.99, but that isn’t what I paid for it because it was on sale. So far everything works just fine with this one.